...back from the Twilight Zone...
Ahhh...I guess, I just have to write-off the whole of November and December 2006...(except for that itsy bitsy one about the band, On Petals, which was from the former month). Hey, even part time bloggers are allowed to be, um, lazy, busy, lazy, indifferent, er, lazy, distracted, lazy,...okey let's just stick with lazy. There were too may unfinished ideas that never materialized so my apologies for that...but since I wasn't sure if anyone was reading the entries here, then I guess it's just like saying an apology to myself for being lazy...hahaha!
I really wanted to post a lot of alternative Christmas albums last December...but, oh...December was so 'yesterday', or should I say, um, so 'last year'! Hopefully, 2007 brings in new energy and new entries here...well, I guess we'll just have to see, and do it one day at a time. It seems like there has been a great deal of new OPM releases last year that warrants attention...but I'm not really concerned with the current, latest, trendiest, famous releases...so, you should still (eventually) see postings about a lot of classic stuff...indie, unreleased, commercial, old, major, new, never heard stuff, whathaveyous in future music entries.